Above: a logo in progress for the cohousing project I am involved in. What a great bunch of art directors the rest of the Coup are (architects, pharmacists, town planners, social workers, etc) -- the chicken as 'house' idea was their's. There is alot to be said for throwing ideas around the table, and it's especially appropriate in our case as we are a co after all, therefore it's important that the logo belongs to everybody.
My love for the 1960's two-volume Yugoslav children's encyclopedia Svijet oko Nas (The World Around Us) knows no bounds. Yes, I have mentioned it here before. I thought it was time to share it with the world and post some of my favourite pictures from it. It can be found by clicking here on Flickr. I have not posted a great deal of images as the books are in delicate condition and will not stand up to being bent over a scanner too many times. However, please let me know if you have enjoyed seeing them and would like to see more. Above: Gol! (Goal!) from the entry on the human body in volume II.
Last Friday afternoon, Augie March needed a picture urgently to advertise their imminent "On the Quiet" shows -- and my geographic proximity to their manager David proved to be a mutual advantage. My finished picture, above.
It wasn't all plain sailing, as the cliche goes. Above is my second sketch -- the first sketch looks so awful to me now that I dare not share it (only with the whole of Augie March and their staff). The above sketch was deemed a bit too "Disney", and even though I quite liked it at the time, now I can see that the boys were right. Even when opting for an acoustic guitar, Augie March is still a rock'n'roll band, right?
Above is an example of work in situ, on a little poster advertising the NSW shows. I imagined another colour there, perhaps yellow or red, and more of a hand-done feel. But that just wouldn't be rock'n'roll, or rather "Lowkeystic, " would it?
(For the non-Australians who might be reading this post, I thought that I would include a link to my favourite Augie March song, Asleep in Perfection, as well as their 2006 Triple J Hottest 100 winner: One Crowded Hour. Two of many fine songs.)
This blog is both a record of my work and an attempt to contribute to the vast inspiration that thousands of other creative people have given me via the internet.
I worked for many years in the fashion industry, designing prints, textiles and developing products for children. I now work as a freelance illustrator and make a variety of work under my own name. Some of the things that I make can be found in my etsy shop and in galleries and stores around Australia.