I must admit that I had been getting so sick of staring at all of my work all day every day for the last few months. It is amazing to see afresh in this very special space, looking its bright shiny best. Milly even got the clothes hangers to behave themselves!
Everything you can see is available to buy through Craft Victoria.
Tuesday addition: Hut 13 was SO beautifully photographed for The Design Files' feature this morning. Two great Lucy-ladies! Thanks dear Esme for alerting me bright and early.
Oh wow! It looks fabulous, Sandra! Well done you (and Milly)!
Sorry for all the exclamation marks but I can't help it!
it looks so good! i <3 your work
It looks fantastic Sandra, the sort of window you could stare into for hours. Love all the little details :-)
Hello Kate, thank you, I am very pleased that you like it. And regarding exclamation marks, I know you serious writers find their overuse appalling. I however dwell in a world where they are mandatory: when commenting on crafty women's blogs, etsy, and of course on the The Design FIles, where the gorgeous Lucy has turned them into an art form. There's alot to be excited about!!!!!
Hello Pilgrim! Lovely to hear from you. Thank you so much -- I love and so admire your work and your style! :)
Dear Flowerpress -- lovely to hear from you! Thank you so much -- I am very glad to hear that. It's so hard for me to "stand back" from it all!!! All the best.
Ms Sandra -- you are very funny!!!!!!!!! ;)
Thank you..... :)
(By the way, I apologize for the strange order in which these comments are appearing)
Love it! You must be so rapt, sandra. And i love Moonface in the middle, presiding as it were... jx
Congratulations Sandra, that looks very good, a beautiful window giving sight at your work and imagination, succes! x
It looks amazing, love the entire window shot, a great body of work :)
Thank you SO SO very much Jen, Renilde and Kim! Great to hear from all of you. My little heart is glowing with pride! :)
Lucky I am planning a delivery to Craft Victoria next week...but I would have made the special trip as it looks amazing!!!
Hi Liz! Funnily enough, Milly and I were admiring your beautiful big bird clock after we finished putting up the window on Sunday. Thank you -- let me know what you think! ;)
You are pretty amazing your self!! Thanks for all your beautiful work! Lucy Mora xxx
Awww thank you not-so-anonymous Lucy! Let there be more of YOUR beautiful work at Hut 13 -- I so love that crazy egg in the window. ;)
congratulations! it looks amazing. cant wait to take a closer look.
Está magnifica esa vitrina... felicitaciones!!! la pieza del volcán me dejó sin habla... es una imagen que llevo adentro mío hace mucho tiempo, con importantes símbolismos personales... el tuyo es bellísimo!
Thank you so much for writing Evie and Alice. :)
Alice, if you like volcanos may I recommend the blog of the wonderful french artist/ illustrator Marie Delafon. She is the queen of volcanos, and many other wonderful things!
Sandra, lo vi... me encantó el arte de Marie, y sus volcanes son una bellísima locura! gracias por presentármela!
Pleasure Alice!
See, this is what happens when one gets consumed by other activities... one MISSES REALLY IMPORTANT events such as this. Can't believe I wasn't on my toes enough to know you were taking on the Craft Vic window and that I didn't see it. An absolute travesty! BTW, your work looks so brilliant together - yay!
Aw, thank you thank you Helen! You have warmed my heart on this freezing morning. I thought that you were away in Europe at that time....?
If the Archibald interests you, a bunch of my little woodens can be glimpsed in the Tarrawarra shop on the way out! :)
Aw, thank you thank you Helen! You have warmed my heart on this freezing morning. I thought that you were away in Europe at that time....?
If the Archibald interests you, a bunch of my little woodens can be glimpsed in the Tarrawarra shop on the way out! :)
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