Species 1: we don't have much surf in Port Philip Bay, but there are plenty who do the surfer look well enough, although they are somewhat paler than those up the coast. Species 2 is the one that used to populate my inner suburb when rents were cheap and all the pubs seemed to have band nights. Now it's Species 3 that has taken over: they preen at the annual Spring Racing Carnival and study the latest real estate and share prices. Species 4 is dear to my heart but is a rare sighting in my neighbourhood, whereas further north it can be spotted in plentiful numbers, usually being followed by a chicken.
Aw thanks Louise! I'm very pleased that you like them.
Awww, I love it! I came over from the feature on Thea&Sami :) Bring on more #4s & their chickens, I say ;)
Thanks for coming over, Jenmeister! I agree thoroughly, they might not have the pecs but they make up for it in sweetness. Though you can always swap them around a bit. ;)
Yes, you're right... that's why the three-block tower made from the images is so awesome :D Oh, the possibilities :D
Hee hee -- I wonder what your favourite combo might be....?!
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