A plywood mobile I have been working on, and haven't quite finished, called Ill-Conceived. The first picture shows the pieces piled under a scanner. Below that is a picture of the pieces 'assembled' like a mobile in Photoshop, using scanned pieces of twine to 'hang' them from... I really, really need to improve my photography skills. No gallery curator would ever be convinced by such a grade 2 attempt at showing a mobile. But I hope that it helps communicate what I am trying to achieve, for now.
In case you are wondering, the hand is about 3/4 of an adult hand's size, the Drum packet and epaulette are about actual size. The little Speedos and Ouzo bottle are -- unintentionally -- kind of cute.
This is awesome! I love the hand and the little ouzo bottle is way cute. What is this project for? Also, what kind of wood did you use and how did you shape it?
it certainly communicates to me..and has conjured up all sorts of memories of a wild girls holiday i had in greece in 1983 ...your title gives it a whole other meaning too...really love this........genius.
Hi Antonia,
Thank you, I'm really glad that you like it! The project is for me, I guess...It's made of plywood, and it's cut with my handy old D-shaped saw and then sandpapered back a bit.
Hi Elaine,
It makes me unspeakably happy to know that you connect with my work. Thank you! Thank you!! We must have some similar memories going on there... ;)
I was curious to know because I tried my hand at creating a plywood flat puppet. I also used a little d-shaped saw, but I tell you it really tested my patience! It didn't help that the pieces were perhaps a little slender and possible breakage loomed throughout. Tough gig - very well done!
i'm really intrigued by the bears paw though .....we'll have to get drunk on ouzo some time and you can tell me all about it!
Hi again Antonia!
I know exactly what you mean. It takes practice to get used to a saw. Make sure that your blade is sharp, and that you use long strokes. I used 4mm wide plywood & some masonite. Don't give up! Your puppet idea sounds really cool. :)
Hi again Elaine!
I had a good laugh -- maybe I was drunk on ouzo when I painted it -- the paw was meant to be a dog's!! Never mind, my lack of anatomical knowledge might make it more intriguing. Yes, let's go for an ouzo sometime!!! ;)
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