Above: the homework was to build a mask. Mine started off as a female but somehow had a gender re-assignment half way through and became a boy gendarme (he has since lost that shoddily built collar). Clay is stubborn like that, especially in the hands of someone who has barely touched it since 1994. I will paint it with one or two colours of glaze after it comes out of its first firing. Ceramics, colour and I have had a tenuous friendship, but that's a story for another time when I am in a darker mood.
For those in Melbourne: Northcote Pottery just off Lygon St in East Brunswick is highly recommended for all sorts of ceramics classes. Good value too.
Ooh, great work! What fun it will be to have it fired and to play with those colors :-) xx Sandra #2!
he looks distinguished and bewildered all in one....what great personality you can bestow with a flick of a tool.....Isn;t it great to broaden your creative horizons like that, i always try to study something different each year, last year it was screen printing textiles ,this year i'm doing collage and assemblage .
looking forward to seeing how mr. gendarmes full gender reassignment turns out. .
Oh thanks, Sandra #1! ;)
I agree, it will be great fun to play with the colours, maybe a bit nerve wracking too.
Hello again Elaine!
Thanks, I am very pleased that you like my boy. Yes, I think that you and I have a similar need to get our hands into all sorts of different materials. I can't imagine being so focused on one type of making -- there is too much fun to be had trying new things!
You did a great job its really looking like a mask and i think its a great idea of giving home work sine every one learn from itself
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