Knitted bag number three came to be without too many hitches, except that I still have difficulty heeding my own advice on how to work with different yarns. I enjoyed knitting the intarsia motif, which is based on a tiny picture of a crocheted Spanish princess in Bossert (one of my favourite sources). She also looks a bit futuristic, perhaps because I designed her just after watching Doctor Who last Sunday.
I'm really fond of the lining too -- a good quality American patchwork cotton bought at the sadly no-more Calico and Chintz and just waiting to bring a project together. I love that. Increasingly I want my crafting to be about using what I already have. That would already be plenty even if my mother hadn't been making presents of bags of wool for me lately. Now I have double.
Time to think of my next project. The previous post is the clue.