Wednesday 14 April 2010

From Webster's Visual Dictionary of Curiosities

Hi. Above: so elegant is he!

Above: I like the simple rectangular shape of this one.
Above: "Hey legs! How ya goin'?"

Above: a cross between a fish and a bearded lady.

Above: I love the implications of a bicorporate lion fighting itself.

Above: hee hee!!! I love it when artists of fauna get it wrong. Or maybe I've got it wrong, perhaps American mountain hares really do look like that? I could always google them, an opportunity the above artist could never have imagined.

Above: "beef creature"?

...What a great dictionary, and I am only up to the letter G. My dear colleagues Tess and Cameron gave me this book for my birthday last week. (I had an excellent birthday.) Pictorial Websters: A Visual Dictionary of Curiosities, text by John M. Carrera. Published by Chronicle in 2009.
P.S. I looked up the American mountain hares and no, they don't look like that. But they're pretty daaarrrn cute.


hopeful~ for happy said...

More importantly, is "Happiness" the species or just a typo. Either way, rabbits and hares of any description (in this case, the wrong one) DO put a smile on my face.

Sandra Eterovic said...

Hee hee! That was at the top left corner of the page (as conventional in a dictionary), and I decided to leave it in. I'm glad you like it. You must come over for a cup of tea one day soon young lady and you can peruse the book to your heart's content. :)