Today I finished the plywood house previously shown on this recent post. (Red autumnal leaves added for the pleasure of Northern Hemisphere viewers.)
I very much enjoyed adding the dotted curtain detail to the windows.
A scan of the little legs.
And -- bonus -- here's a head and arms which were going to be attached to the roof of the house. However after I slotted in the legs I thought that it looked complete, and perhaps more interesting: I think that often it's better to give the viewer a little bit of work to do. The best thing is that now I have another half finished piece. Yippee!! I'll enjoy working out what to use for her body...
In case anyone is wondering, the reason why this post is titled Lady is the House, II is because there's a Lady isthe House I, here.
Love it Sandra, Brillant detail and personality in the actual house and the addition of the legs gives it an enigmatic brillance , ps : the red leaves are indeed very pleasurable , thank you so much for that ;0)
This blog is both a record of my work and an attempt to contribute to the vast inspiration that thousands of other creative people have given me via the internet.
I worked for many years in the fashion industry, designing prints, textiles and developing products for children. I now work as a freelance illustrator and make a variety of work under my own name. Some of the things that I make can be found in my etsy shop and in galleries and stores around Australia.
This looks great well done!
Love it Sandra, Brillant detail and personality in the actual house and the addition of the legs gives it an enigmatic brillance ,
ps : the red leaves are indeed very pleasurable , thank you so much for that ;0)
Hi Elaine and Deborah!
I am very pleased indeed that you like my new little house. Yes indeed Elaine -- the red leaves were for you!
Hope you are coping OK with the election results...
I love your little house with legs.... love those lace curtains too!
And here I am again, borrowing pics from your blog...
Hi Sally, thank you -- lovely to meet you!!!
And thank you Deborah, I am very honoured to be part of your beautiful blog AGAIN. :)
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