This is my first ever entry for Illustration Friday and my first 'fashion' illustration for my current folio. (Previous trials and tribulations can be seen here and here.) It's winter here in Melbourne, but for me the ideal cold weather outfit has a lot of colour and pattern to counter the grey. And why not travel around the world vicariously through your outfit, I say?

You know that everything is going to be OK when the sketch goes smoothly, as this one did. And though I scanned the final picture and cut out the background to make it a clean white, for the first time EVER I did not touch the picture itself. And I must admit that I am pleased about that. Below: inspiration for the outfit came from one of my favourite books, Tibor and Maira Kalman's (un)FASHION. The scarf is my own.
Everyone should own a copy of this book, it's fantastic!!!
Great illustration! I love the rest of the work on your blog too. Very lovely work!
very nice take on the topic!
Sandra, esta es una ilustración preciosa... me encanta todo, la ropa!!!! es maravillosa!, así me gustaría abrigarme en invierno, y no lo gris-café que suele ser... felicitaciones!
(las ilustraciones anteriores tienen mucho humor además!)
Thank you very much for your lovely comments. I am very happy that you like the picture!
Alice, I am glad that you like the photos from the Kalmans' book too. Good to hear from you. :)
gorgeous illo. love the colours and layers. Winter is a dream for fashion and clothes. coats scarves gloves hats tights sock boots la la in goes on and on! jxx
I love your latest fashion illustration... and I have to admit I just ordered that book. My arty crafty inspiration bookshelf is getting ridiculous :)
So lovely to hear from the lovely Jens!! I am very pleased that you like my picture.
JS -- I thoroughly agree, I love sneaking colour into the numerous layers. I can see you getting around in your apple green clogs and stockings!!!
And JenMeister -- you won't regret buying that book, it's wonderful. No library can have too many inspirational art books!!!
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