Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Potato Christmas

I made some wrapping paper yesterday using potatoes and the two paint colours that I happened to have at home: it was way too hot to go near that furnace of a studio.  I think the last time I made a potato print I was ten.  I have grand plans to do something fancier next time.

Merry merry Christmas everyone!  May you have a day full of warmth and love, wherever you are.


swinkie said...

Lovely potato action... Mine tonight was purely for the xmas potato salad! I am overwhelmed by your butterfly cake below and now know you are one fine renaissance woman!
Lovely times to you. Speak soon x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful looking presents you got there.I'm jealous,I wish one was for me.Have a lovely day.

Jane Aston said...

Way more sophisticated than mine. I just dipped my finger in pink paint and dotted brown parcel paper.
I found a very impressive cheap gouache here in France so may get the potatoes out soon.
Look forward to seeing more of your blog, Happy Christmas

Unknown said...

We did potato and block printing today with the kids, they loved it!

Sandra Eterovic said...

Thanks so much Sandra, Anonymous, Jane and Emma.

There is something very satisfying about making a pattern with the tools that you have at your disposal!

I hope you all had a very happy day.

Anonymous said...

perfect. I wrapped in brown paper this year too and only wish I had thought of this! Merry Christmas to you.

Sandra Eterovic said...

WIth the job that I did plain might have been better!! Good to hear from you Jo. Thank you.