Saturday, 19 April 2014

Knitting Spam

I have been wanting to knit a picture (rather than just words) for a long time, so after I finished designing the graph for my can of Spam I couldn't wait to get started on the actual knitting.

Hmm.  Intarsia (picture) knitting is not so much fun; various colours carried within the same row can mean quite a tangle at the back.  I had forgotten that part.  (Seasoned knitters may note that the navy yarn carried across two rows of the top part of the bun is actually a mistake.)

In case you're wondering, my intention is to make this into a cushion.  One day.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Is there a pattern?

Sandra Eterovic said...

Hello Anonymous!
Thank you! No, as yet there is no pattern. I will think about it, though..... (It's not that much fun to knit, by the way -- too much tangling at the back).