Above: bright French provincial motifs like this tablecloth from a 1997 Les Olivades catalogue sing of summer with their combination of intense colour and pattern.

(Detail from a scarf I made for myself last winter, shown in progress here.)
Above: the wonders of the human body, especially its depiction in times past. Here a beautiful fold-out lithograph from the early 1900's which I was lucky to score on etsy.
Above: cabinets of curiosities like the fantastic insects under glass still thoughtfully on display at the new Melbourne Museum. (This photo is by Inky Squid, who did a much better job than I did when I tried to photograph it).
Above: all things vintage nautical. This one ticks a few boxes: I have a thing for old printed scarves, and I love funny little depictions of clothing and anchors too.
Last but not least, mid twentieth century British illustration. A balance between skill and naivete, the use of detailed line against simple colour and an appreciation of the everyday. You can see more here.

(Image from Bird and Banner)

(Illustration above by David Gentleman)
Now I've arrived at the best part of this game, my chance to tag some highly varied and extra special talented women: writer Kate Constable, composer Chris McCombe , maker of incredible shoes Emma Greenwood, architect and jewellery maker Olivia Munroe, glass artist and maker Elaine Prunty and last but never least: artist, writer and designer Anna Parry. I can't wait to see what they come up with, but at the same time I hope that they don't feel pressured to come up with anything!
Thanks again, Sandra.