Sunday, 7 March 2010

Knitted Bag No 3: a Spanish Princess

Knitted bag number three came to be without too many hitches, except that I still have difficulty heeding my own advice on how to work with different yarns. I enjoyed knitting the intarsia motif, which is based on a tiny picture of a crocheted Spanish princess in Bossert (one of my favourite sources). She also looks a bit futuristic, perhaps because I designed her just after watching Doctor Who last Sunday.
I'm really fond of the lining too -- a good quality American patchwork cotton bought at the sadly no-more Calico and Chintz and just waiting to bring a project together. I love that. Increasingly I want my crafting to be about using what I already have. That would already be plenty even if my mother hadn't been making presents of bags of wool for me lately. Now I have double.
Time to think of my next project. The previous post is the clue.


Elaine Prunty said...

well they do say" necessity is the mother of
invention "and to limit yourself to what you've
got is truly creative...i love your bag, she reminds me of princess leia....i'm still working on my post re aesthetic themes , it's proving quite an eye opener.

Sandra Eterovic said...

Hi Elaine!
I am really looking forward to your post, and I'm happy that it's an eye opener for you, I assume because you're learning something interesting about yourself!
I can see Princess Leia in m knitted lady now too! Thank you for your encouraging words as always.