This portrait was the last job I had to complete before my self imposed Christmas break. Commissioned by a friend-of-a-friend as a thoughtful (and brave) gift to his wife, originally the task was to paint a portrait of the family's beloved deceased chicken. The idea became more ambitious, and lots of emails containing photos went back and forth between me, my client and our dear go-between friend. There were plenty of moments of panic at my end, and I am grateful to both client and friend for being so calming and kind. For better or worse, this is the result. I don't know the subjects in the portrait very well, but know that they're charming and was enthused about trying to capture their personalities. I hope that the recipient likes it enough to want to live with it every day. Either way, it will become an interesting record for the family as the children grow older.
I so rarely paint pictures with backgrounds that I found this the trickiest part. (Don't tell anyone.) I hope to allow myself more opportunities to practice next year....Smiley Sunday holds the beloved chicken and wears a Bowie t-shirt. I enjoyed painting 'mud' on Leo's dress, perhaps almost as much as she enjoys being muddy herself.