I love the colour and kitsch beauty of these pictures. Images from The Homelovers Book: Colour Facsimiles, Mezzotint Engravings for Home Decoration, edited by Warren E. Cox, Bristol. (No date is given but I would say it's around 1950.)
From the introduction:
Art and the display of it in our dwellings is more than the mere decoration of a barren wall....It is the appreciation of the aesthetic values in life which offsets the insistent forces of materialism and enables us to retain our sense of fitness in all things and gives us poise and serenity in a difficult world. Our children with their quick sympathies and discerning minds will respond to such surroundings ...and reward us in our latter years by the testimony of their conduct.
Lofty ideals considering that what we are dealing with here is really a mid century verson of AllPosters.com.