Above: a gathering of men. Mr Worcester has been telling Signor Rossi ad nauseum about his adventures in Sydney at the Inside Out office, having his photograph taken and meeting lots of nice ladies. Above and below: knitting in progress. My house is starting to look like a shop! Above and below: a beanie for my friend Bridget. (I am under the impression that she doesn't frequent this blog but I might find out otherwise shortly.) I have never knitted a beanie before, and other than the boring rib, this project was incredibly fast and fun. Friends, from now on you will all be receiving beanies on your birthdays!
it's funny you know, but Mr Worcester doesn't strike me as a braggart. he looks much to kindly for that. clearly Sydney has 'turned his head'. Beautiful pics, sandra! x
Oh, I love getting a little peek into your home. Do you use these as product shots on Etsy? They're very good.
Lovely beanie! Hand knit gifts are such a special treat to receive. I really should have paid better attention when my aunts tried to teach me this invaluable skill :)
Hi Rigel! I am glad that you like the beanie. And I have been thinking about what you wrote regarding using these shots for etsy -- I probably should, you know! Thanks!! :)
This blog is both a record of my work and an attempt to contribute to the vast inspiration that thousands of other creative people have given me via the internet.
I worked for many years in the fashion industry, designing prints, textiles and developing products for children. I now work as a freelance illustrator and make a variety of work under my own name. Some of the things that I make can be found in my etsy shop and in galleries and stores around Australia.
it's funny you know, but Mr Worcester doesn't strike me as a braggart. he looks much to kindly for that. clearly Sydney has 'turned his head'. Beautiful pics, sandra! x
So pleased the gathering of men have had such a nice time! I hope the ladies are worthy of them.
HI Jen -- thanks! I think that the sunshine must have made him a bit dizzy, as he hasn't seen much of that in his short life.
Helicopter6 -- oh yes I am sure that the ladies were more than worthy! (I wrote that in case one of them was reading....)
Oh, I love getting a little peek into your home. Do you use these as product shots on Etsy? They're very good.
Lovely beanie! Hand knit gifts are such a special treat to receive. I really should have paid better attention when my aunts tried to teach me this invaluable skill :)
Hi Rigel!
I am glad that you like the beanie. And I have been thinking about what you wrote regarding using these shots for etsy -- I probably should, you know! Thanks!! :)
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