I took these photos on a dark day, in my dark house. I thought I would try and liven them up in Photoshop: even though I had fun I might have taken things a bit too far. When it comes to fixing dark photos, I am no Kim Brockett! (I still marvel at the magic she worked with the shots she took at my studio on that very grey late afternoon.)
...Digital photography is a very different beast to the traditional sort, isn't it? Not that I know that much about either!
What a lovely kitchen.. you know I want I want. ps back from NZ but still on their time.. I hope to catch up soon. swx
Aw thanks Sandra W! It's not quite as technicolour as it appears here, but almost.
So great to hear that you are back safe and sound -- which means that you actually got to NZ safe and sound! The volcano in the first photo is dedicated to all you travellers. :)
I look forward to hearing about your trip and seeing photos -- and very fine quality photos no doubt.
Ah yes, always looking for the light for photos.
What a happy kitchen and I really love the pieces. The volcano reminds me of my childhood in Hawaii.
Thank you to you both!
All the best with your singing career Dawid....
And Lola -- a childhood in Hawaii -- wow! :)
, i couldn't concentrate on the beating heart volcanic head with legs thing that you do so well , i'm distracted by the asparagus teapot, if you tell me you made that i'm going to have to die of jealousy .
TV and singer career is my the biggest dream but first I must move to America :)
Thank you very much for you words, they really help me and thanks of visit of course :)
I'm so glad that I did't make that teapot Elaine, because it means that you won't have to die!! Otherwise, I wish that I did but my ceramics skills are not quite there yet. It's vintage, and a gift from a dear friend who certainly knows my strange taste!
Dawid -- thank you for saying hi again and I look forward to seeing what you get up to in the US one day!!!! Stay well and have fun......:)
Ohhh... the volcano is FANTASTIC!!! ... and yes, her kitchen is indeed lovely (lots of superbly quirky things to look at!)
Hello Helen! Of course you have first hand experience of that kitchen! Good to hear from you, I am very happy that you like my volcano. :)
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