Saturday 28 September 2013

Little men attending Finders Keepers

Some fine young men in various states of becoming.  They will be looking their handsome best in time for Finders Keepers next Friday and Saturday.  The doll version of the tattoo sailor is a brand new addition.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Yeah No Vest

I have finished the Yeah No vest which I have been working on over the last few weeks.  I am quite happy with it.  I ran out of pretty much every colour, so the back actually has few of the same yarns as the front.  I don't suppose it matters.  I left the armhole edges raw mostly as it fits perfectly across my shoulders as it is.  (Any knitting design purists reading this post can feel free to air their grievances.)

I haven't decided whether I want to sell it or keep it, either.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Little textile things for Finders Keepers

A couple of little purses and a stuffed dinosaur ready for Finders Keepers.  Knitting in progress below.

Thursday 19 September 2013

New mirrors for Finders Keepers

I have been enjoying painting some new mirrors for The Finders Keepers Market, which is only a few weeks away now!

Sunday 8 September 2013

Insanely beautiful socks from Kapital, Japan

I just had to share these insanely beautiful socks (etc.) from the Japanese brand, Kapital.  For me, Kapital's outerwear lacks the subtlety of  other vintage inspired Japanese labels like 45rpm, but the relative craziness translates fantastically into socks (and other knitwear like the vest above).
In fact, I have found these so inspiring that I have begun dreaming of going to Japan again.  The internet will suffice until I win the lotto!  Enjoy your Sunday.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Giveaway on the Frankie blog

Today the Frankie blog is doing a giveaway of an assortment of my prints and cards, in conjunction with the lovely ladies from Etsy.  Thank you Kirsteene.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Stitching class at Northcity4

Phew, the year is moving along at a scary pace.  I am very pleased to announce that in a couple of months' time I will be teaching a stitching class at Northcity4.  Participants will be taught how to make a linen scarf in the style of the ones shown here, and will be encouraged to further explore the myriad decorative applications of the simplest of all stitches.  And hopefully get a few Christmas gifts sorted!  
Please consider - it will be a fun day.