Friday, 21 October 2011

Colourful clocks in progress

I have enjoyed painting this new and colourful bunch of clocks.  I tried to channel a beautiful lady from the Caribbean with an armful of bracelets, crossed with a bit of Ms Emily Green.

Today there will be cutting, sanding, drilling and assembling of clock parts, but only if the acting class downstairs doesn't complain about my noisy saw again...


jen storer said...

These hand-clocks are so groovy and so distinctive! If they're worth their salt, tHe acting class will probably be louder than you dear sandra... x

Alice said...

Acabo de darme cuenta del proceso de tu trabajo y me sorprende! Hay alguna razón técnica por la que primero pintas y luego cortas? pensaba que lo hacías al revés... primero cortar, lijar y de último la pintura... jajajaja que "gran" dilema! ... por otro lado creo pienso que yo también tuve el dedo anular herido, fracturado y vendado... también metafóricamente hablando!
Un abrazo!

Sandra Eterovic said...

hello Jen! Good to hear from you. The acting class DOES get really loud sometimes -- scary too -- they yell and argue, it's horrible! So obviously they must be pretty good.... ;)

Hola Alice! I do sometimes cut and then paint, but that's rare. Normally when I paint, I make it up as a i go, so there's no point cutting out first.

Thank you to you both!!!

jenni said...

The details on those nails kills me! :)

Sandra Eterovic said...

The funny thing is that if you were to forensically take off the "nail polish" layer of paint, you would find that I had painted the nails in their natural state first. A waste of time of course, but I couldn't resist adding bright colours to the nails after piling on all of those bright bracelets...

sister outlaws said...

Yes, you must wear bright nails with bright bangles! These are "tops" (as we said in the eighties!)

Sandra Eterovic said...

I reckon! ;) Thanks Julianne!